Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wax ups

Here are the other photos I promised. Theses are the lab wax ups I have been working on. We practice these in lab and then we get tested on them. We have about 3 hours to wax up a tooth from scratch in lab, then they grade us on how good they look and all that. So far it has been going well for me. I really like how this molar turned out. (Blue wax at the bottom) The first tooth here is multicolored because on the frist project they had us use different colored waxes for different things. So the red area is where it would contact the other tooth next to it in the mouth, then the green on the sides, or margins of the tooth. Then the blue wax on the lingual and facial surfaces.


Ry and Kris Jones said...

Well done Matt those are amazing buddy. You guys are going a lot faster than us. We have only worked on maxillary incisors and cuspids. Your molar and premolar are awesome. Again well done and I'm glad things are going so well for ya.

Anonymous said...

Cool teeth!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

If the dentistry thing doesn't work out, you could get a job making weird colored teeth for movie costumers. Just a thought. Dave, Kristen and KC are going to Oregon this weekend for a few days. I hope the weather isn't too bad for them. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow. Keep posting, it's fun to see how you two are doing. Love, Sue